UV Disinfect

UVC  Disinfect

Non-ozone design for air disinfection 

uv fan
uv fan-2


As evident by multiple research studies and reports, when biological organisms are exposed to deep UV light in the range of 200 nm to 300 nm it is absorbed by DNA, RNA, and proteins.

Typically 253.7nm UV-C radiation is used for air disinfection. This wavelength has a lethal effect on microorganisms, such as bacteria, moulds and yeasts. Low-pressure UVC lamp can provide a high level of radiant efficiency. A special coating flitter will be installed to our system, which makes sure only 253.7nm light can go through the filter. Therefore, no extra ozone will be produced during disinfection. 

Biological Effect of UV Light

While UVB radiation is widely recognized for its harmful effects on human skin and links to skin cancer, each of the UV bands (UVA, UVB and UVC) create different risks for humans.

UVC Effect on Skin

Acute (short-term) effects include redness or ulceration of the skin. At high levels of exposure, these burns can be serious. For chronic (long-term) exposures, there is also a cumulative risk, which depends on the amount of exposure during your lifetime. The long-term risk for large cumulative exposure includes premature ageing of the skin and skin cancer.

 UV Flitter 

UVC light is the most effective for air disinfect, but it's also very dangerous. A typically UVC lamp will produce 100-280nm UV light.  Short wavelength will produce ozone when the light is on. Ozone can also be used for air disinfect, but it is extremely dangerous for human health. Therefore we designed an enclosed UVC lamp with UV filter, which makes sure only 253.7nm light can pass through